Making Money on Hubpages is not easy but can be rewarding.
Sign Up For HubPages Today And earn money writing Online! I have made a little money on Hubpages but no where near what I have made on Bubblews
But Hubpages is a cool site full of great info, Hubpages is also a Great site for Backing (Great For SEO) There are many different categories to write about and chossing the right one is what it is all about.
Below are some basic guidelines to adhere to:
These rules refer to the linking of hubs to outside sources...
Flagging can not downgrade a Hub or apply a penalty to it.
Flagging simply tells us to take a look at it for a possible violation (in the case of adult, gambling, spam, low-quality, etc. flags) or it tells our automated, computerized duplicate checker to check for duplicates. It can not force an outcome. There are plenty of times we don't agree with a flagger, or the computerized system doesn't find duplicates, in which case nothing happens to the Hub at all.
The hub seems to have text that is either copied from or to a large number of other sites, and has incurred a HubScore penalty as a result.
If your Hub is truly original or simply quotes another Web page in a reasonable manner, please request a review of the hub by clicking on "learn more" at the top of the hub. An exception is typically granted only when quoting is done to a minimum, or some commonly-used, public domain, or historical phrases have triggered the duplicate content detector. If your hub has been certified as original by the administrator it will appear at the top of the hub. Once certified as original no HubScore penalty will be applied.
All hubs have to meet the site content guidelines set forth in the Google AdSense Program Policy and in the HubPages terms of use.Our objective with HubPages is to support authors that have the desire and intent to develop a readership on the HubPages site, and to contribute in a positive way to the HubPages community. If your intended use runs counter to this objective -- for instance, if you're sole purpose is to get back links for other sites or to promote or sell dubious products through your hubs -- then please stop using HubPages.If you're hubs are flagged for violations, we generally will give you an opportunity to correct the problem and republish the hub. However, repeated violations will result in your account being closed and all your hubs being unpublished. If you are unsure if your hub meets our policies, we will be far more sympathetic if you contact us for clarification before publishing the hub...
Adult content is not allowed. Below are some examples of prohibited adult content. This should not be interpreted as exhaustive list of what is prohibited. If you are unsure if your content is allowed, please contact us for a clarification before publishing your hub.The following are not allowed:
Hubs that promote or link to sites that offer or promote gambling for money are not allowed. Discussions of gambling rules, strategies, or events are generally all right. If you are unsure if your gambling related hub is ok, please contact us for clarification before publishing your hub.
Purely promotional offers and Hubs designed only to promote other sites or businesses are not allowed. In particular, the following actions are likely to get your hubs flagged:
The title and tags of your hub must accurately represent the contents of the hub.
The standard a chosen tag must live up to is "Would a fan of this tag be interested in your hub?" -- if not, do use that tag. In particular, tagging your hub with a lot of very general tags, such as 'travel', 'entertainment', 'food', and 'music' when your hub is not specifically about these topics is liable to get you into trouble.
At our current size we don't have the resources to properly create or administer a HubPages site in other languages. We hope to be able to offer our services in other languages in the future.
Commercial hubs are required to have an ad level setting of High. Your hub is considered to be commercial if it meets any of these conditions.
Sign Up For HubPages Today And earn money writing Online! I have made a little money on Hubpages but no where near what I have made on Bubblews
But Hubpages is a cool site full of great info, Hubpages is also a Great site for Backing (Great For SEO) There are many different categories to write about and chossing the right one is what it is all about.
Rules and Etiquette
Reference are some basic guidelines to adhere to:
- Stick to the topic. Please stay on the thread’s topic when replying to an existing thread. If you don’t see an open thread about something you’d like to discuss, please open a new thread.
- Keep it civil. Debate and disagreements on points of substance are okay, but personal attacks, petty bickering, trolling, and thread hijacking are not tolerated.
- Be helpful and supportive. We’re all here to learn, so please be constructive when providing feedback.
- Spread the word. Encourage Hubbers seeking help to visit the Forum to find solutions to their problems or just to chat and unwind.
- The Forums are for discussion, not self-promotional link-posting. We encourage you to avoid posting promotional or irrelevant links, be they to Hubs or external sites in which you have a vested interest. The three places where we do encourage you to post links to your Hubs are in the HubChallenges section, Extreme Hub Makeover section, and in Weekly Topic Inspiration threads.
- No cross-posting. Posting the same message to more than one Forum or thread is seen as spamming.
- Be honest about your identity. While we don't prohibit having more than one HubPages account, we ask that you stick to a single persona in the Forums. The deceptive use of multiple accounts, especially in a single thread, is prohibited. The use of secondary accounts to circumvent a Forum ban is also prohibited. This type of behavior is also known as sockpuppeting.
- Please use normal English. DON'T USE ALL UPPERCASE FOR YOUR TITLES OR IN THE BODY OF YOUR POST. It comes across as shouting. Also avoid txt msg abbreviations.
- Avoid signatures. Please do not sign your posts and especially do not sign your posts and include a link to another site. A link to your profile page is included with every post, and you can put information about yourself and links to sites you'd like to promote on your profile page.
Linking Rules
Source rules refer to the linking of hubs to outside sources...
- You must have no more than 1-2 links to any one domain on a page of original content (tinyurl and other cloakers are considered wildcards)
- You may NOT add links to sites or offers you are promoting on copied, non-original Web content (i.e. if the copy exists already on the Web, you can't reuse it to promote your sites)
- You can NOT add links to sites irrelevant to the Hub's topic
- You can not include a short teaser and then "click here to learn more" - your Hub must address the topic fully by itself
- You should consider adding more original content, or legitimate links to other online resources that complement this Hub's topic
Rules on Flagging
Rules on FlaggingFlagging can not downgrade a Hub or apply a penalty to it.
Flagging simply tells us to take a look at it for a possible violation (in the case of adult, gambling, spam, low-quality, etc. flags) or it tells our automated, computerized duplicate checker to check for duplicates. It can not force an outcome. There are plenty of times we don't agree with a flagger, or the computerized system doesn't find duplicates, in which case nothing happens to the Hub at all.
Rules on Duplicate Content
My hub has been flagged for duplicate content, what does that mean?The hub seems to have text that is either copied from or to a large number of other sites, and has incurred a HubScore penalty as a result.
If your Hub is truly original or simply quotes another Web page in a reasonable manner, please request a review of the hub by clicking on "learn more" at the top of the hub. An exception is typically granted only when quoting is done to a minimum, or some commonly-used, public domain, or historical phrases have triggered the duplicate content detector. If your hub has been certified as original by the administrator it will appear at the top of the hub. Once certified as original no HubScore penalty will be applied.
Rules on Content
Generally speaking, what am I allowed to put into a hub?All hubs have to meet the site content guidelines set forth in the Google AdSense Program Policy and in the HubPages terms of use.Our objective with HubPages is to support authors that have the desire and intent to develop a readership on the HubPages site, and to contribute in a positive way to the HubPages community. If your intended use runs counter to this objective -- for instance, if you're sole purpose is to get back links for other sites or to promote or sell dubious products through your hubs -- then please stop using HubPages.If you're hubs are flagged for violations, we generally will give you an opportunity to correct the problem and republish the hub. However, repeated violations will result in your account being closed and all your hubs being unpublished. If you are unsure if your hub meets our policies, we will be far more sympathetic if you contact us for clarification before publishing the hub...
Rules on Substandard Content
Some topics have been covered extensively by other users. If you feel you have something new to say or a different take on a popular subject, by all means, create a hub to share it. However, we reserve the right to remove hubs that merely "flog a dead horse," so to speak. For example, there are over 300 hubs about making money online by taking paid surveys. At this point, chances are the topic is fully exhausted. In cases like these, your hub may be flagged because it isn't saying anything that hasn't been covered already.Rules on Adult Content
I want to write about adult topics, what is allowed?Adult content is not allowed. Below are some examples of prohibited adult content. This should not be interpreted as exhaustive list of what is prohibited. If you are unsure if your content is allowed, please contact us for a clarification before publishing your hub.The following are not allowed:
- pornographic images
- links to adult or pornographic sites
- discussion or promotion of sexual aids or toys
- detailed descriptions of sexual acts or practices
- excessive profanity
Rules on Gambling
Am I allowed to create hubs about gambling?Hubs that promote or link to sites that offer or promote gambling for money are not allowed. Discussions of gambling rules, strategies, or events are generally all right. If you are unsure if your gambling related hub is ok, please contact us for clarification before publishing your hub.
Rules on what's Overly Promotional
My hub was flagged as overly promotional, what does that mean?Purely promotional offers and Hubs designed only to promote other sites or businesses are not allowed. In particular, the following actions are likely to get your hubs flagged:
- linking repeatedly to the same site within a hub or across many hubs
- including links to a page that contains largely the same content as your hub
- linking to products or services unrelated to a Hub's content
Rules on Tagging
My hub was flagged as deceptively tagged or titled, what does that mean?The title and tags of your hub must accurately represent the contents of the hub.
The standard a chosen tag must live up to is "Would a fan of this tag be interested in your hub?" -- if not, do use that tag. In particular, tagging your hub with a lot of very general tags, such as 'travel', 'entertainment', 'food', and 'music' when your hub is not specifically about these topics is liable to get you into trouble.
Rules on Language
Why don't you allow hubs in languages other than English?At our current size we don't have the resources to properly create or administer a HubPages site in other languages. We hope to be able to offer our services in other languages in the future.
Rules on what is considered to be Commercial
What does commercial mean?Commercial hubs are required to have an ad level setting of High. Your hub is considered to be commercial if it meets any of these conditions.
- it is monetized through a non-hubpages affiliate mechanism
- it contains links to other commercial sites
- it promotes a for profit business, especially a business that you have an interest in
Rules on Spamming
- At HubPages I'd recommend not posting your hub URL's in comment capsules of other hubbers. Unless the hubber has indicated that they want you to. And short of such an invitation the only other reason you'd post a link is if- IF your hub is directly related to their topic. But even then it would be a gamble. Best to avoid it completely. If your feedback is intelligent it may be enough for the Hub Author and also other hub readers to click through to your profile page.
- Don't use the Contact Me form as a way to contact hub authors en masse and promote your hubs. Unsolicited Bulk Email = Spam.
- If you're the member of other forums be wise and wary about how you post links to your hubs. I'd only do so if you are a long standing and active member.
- When using social bookmarking sites refrain from using hub trackers.
And don't use them solely as a means to post your own hubs. Or in fact
use it with the same domain name far too many times. Otherwise an
account could be flagged for the obvious. Variety is the key.
Rules on Spamming
- At HubPages I'd recommend not posting your hub URL's in comment capsules of other hubbers. Unless the hubber has indicated that they want you to. And short of such an invitation the only other reason you'd post a link is if- IF your hub is directly related to their topic. But even then it would be a gamble. Best to avoid it completely. If your feedback is intelligent it may be enough for the Hub Author and also other hub readers to click through to your profile page.
- Don't use the Contact Me form as a way to contact hub authors en masse and promote your hubs. Unsolicited Bulk Email = Spam.
- If you're the member of other forums be wise and wary about how you post links to your hubs. I'd only do so if you are a long standing and active member.
- When using social bookmarking sites refrain from using hub trackers. And don't use them solely as a means to post your own hubs. Or in fact use it with the same domain name far too many times. Otherwise an account could be flagged for the obvious. Variety is the key.
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